EARN extends its reach

The EARN European Accounts Receivables network has gained another experienced partner in Central Europe with DEWISPELAERE ADVOCATEN, Belgium.

ECJ: avoidance of transactions in insolvency proceedings in cross-border business

In insolvency proceedings conducted in Germany, it is easy for insolvency administrators to successfully assert claims against creditors by means of insolvency avoidance.

VAT: New EU e-commerce rules harmonise VAT rules for greater consumer convenience and fairer competition

The new VAT e-commerce rules bring a simple and uniform set of VAT rules for all businesses engaged in cross-border e-commerce.

French study on the efficiency of European insolvency proceedings

In January 2021, the French National Council of Judicial Officers conducted a study comparing the efficiency and legal frameworks of insolvency proceedings across Europe, including Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the UK, and France.

Recent Case-Law Of Luxembourg Courts – Covid19-Rental Exeption For Commercial Tenants During Governement-Ordered Plant Closures

The Justice of Peace Court of Luxembourg handed down interesting rulings in January 2021 on the question of whether commercial tenants are obliged to pay rent arrears during the plant closures which where incurred on the orders of the state to combat the Corona pandemic.

Rent reduction for Dutch commercial tenants in corona time

During the first lockdown, government measures led to the closure of hotels, shops, and restaurants for several months. As of February 2021, the Netherlands is in the midst of a second lockdown.